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Prices are effective from 1st May 2022: All prices are subject to change without further notice.
All Prices Include GST
Bio compost: $120.00 cu.m
Garden mulch: Standard mulch $40.00 cu.m; Fine mulch $50.00 cu.m
Woodchip: $25 cu.m loaded on truck at yard. Delivery can be arranged up to 80 cu.m loads.
Delivery for Bio compost and garden mulch only:
Up to 6 cu.m for compost per truck load.
Up to 8 cu.m for mulch per truck load.
New Plymouth City, Bell Block: $35.00
Waitara, Inglewood, Tikorangi, Oakura: $62.00
Okato, Ratapiko: $75.00
Stratford, Waiti, Urenui $75.00
Pungarehu, Normanby, Hawera, Opunake: $98.00